Monday, 9 May 2016

Dooms day number 2

Hei Ho! We might still be here for the next two weeks!

It turns out that we need to buy a new starter motor which has to come from the States and a Solenoid which luckily was found somewhere in the depth of Sussex!

So no flying till probably mid/end of this week and certainly a delayed departure for the Trans-Atlantic sector. But then it's better to be safe here on the ground rather than in the depth of Northern Canada and somewhere 2000ft above the icebergs!

One has to smile and think: who knows what this is good for? Right now I don't, but am sure there could be a silver lining to it all.

Bought a tripod for filming today and have managed to set up a Facebook page:

We finally managed to get hold of the Cuban embassy in London - after days of total silence - and will be applying for our tourist visas.

The weather doesn't look promising for flying our V-65 but we hope to get a slot in on wednesday.

So: watch this space! I'll keep you posted...

PS: nothing really to do with this trip - but actually yes a lot: 

This was at our wedding in Tutzing/Germany in July 2004 which clearly shows that I had fallen in love with the man and the balloon at the same time.

Paul Spellward, Phil's friend, kindly inflated his 'brother' balloon to ours and took Phil's mum, Barbara, flying. We stayed on the ground and enjoyed our drinks!

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