Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Farewell to Betty and a summary of flight distance and hours

Farewell to Betty and a summary of flight distance and hours

Anne and John Herbert kindly sent this screen shot of our total tour over the last 4 weeks and Flippie calculated our flying hours including the Trans-Atlantic:

Bristol - via Iceland and Greenland - Toronto = 32.2 hours = 4830 NMs
Toronto -Bahamas = 19 hours = 2850 NMs
Bahamas - via Cuba to Panama - Carson city, USA = 38 hours = 5700 NMs

Total flying time: 89.2 hours
Total distance covered: 13,380 hours

 As you can see, we have covered more the half around the world in the good old sturdy Beech!

She has truly performed ever so well and hardly used any oil.

It’s been sad to say good-bye to her.

Keys were handed over to Steve as he will look after her during the next two months.

With a delicious home-cooked breakfast by Marilee and Phyllis, we left for Reno to check into an airport hotel ready for an very early 4am start tomorrow.

Once more thanks to our two great pilots John Herbert and Flippie Vermeulen for flying us safely around those incredible countries and places....

.... and to all you wonderful new friends and people that we met along the route!

You have been so kind and wonderful and we hope to stay in touch!

The first flight in Cuba!
There will always be a Gin and Tonic at our place in Kensington Villas! Come and visit us!

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